by lotus823 | Apr 19, 2017 | Integrated Marketing, Public Relations
Ok, don’t freak out. PR isn’t dead (we have the awards to prove it), but a strict media-relations strategy is not as effective as it once was. Relying solely on media gatekeepers to disseminate your message and reach your audiences is becoming a thing of the...
by lotus823 | Mar 31, 2017 | Digital Marketing, Housewares, IH+HS, Integrated Marketing, Integrated Marketing Monthly Roundup
Spring has finally arrived and it was a jam-packed month here at lotus823! As the outside world was in full bloom our team was sharing tips for how you can bring your marketing campaigns to bloom through integrated strategies. Read on to catch up on everything you...
by lotus823 | Mar 8, 2017 | Integrated Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media
Looking to boost awareness for your brand, but not sure where to begin? Do you need a public relations strategy? Do you need to start utilizing social media? Guess what – you need both, and here’s why. First, your brand needs to establish a brand identity and voice....
by lotus823 | Aug 12, 2015 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media
At lotus823 we understand the importance of integrated marketing. However, many digital marketing professionals still believe organic strategies such as SEO and social media work independently of one another. This fallacy can do major damage to your organic marketing....
by lotus823 | Oct 31, 2014 | Integrated Marketing
With the business industry changing regularly, clients are in need of connecting with agencies that are able to adapt to changes and can integrate all available services. Being an integrated marketer means knowing the importance of using strategies such as public...