by lotus823 | Jun 1, 2015 | Blogs, Digital Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Public Relations, Social Media
Hello and happy June fellow marketers! During the month of May we decided to shine the spotlight on the ever-evolving landscape of social media. We love the conversations and insights that social media provides us and keeping up with the latest trends is something we...
by lotus823 | May 22, 2015 | Crisis Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media
It’s the nightmare that’s bound to keep any digital marketing agency up at night. Imagine, a wave of bad publicity hitting your brand without warning. You’re left wondering how to clean up the mess on social media. Do you stay silent, hoping the tide passes? Perhaps...
by lotus823 | May 21, 2015 | Social Media
At our digital marketing agency, social media is a part of who we are. Whether it be for professional or personal use, our social media team is on numerous networks at any given time of the day. It’s like Christmas morning when we receive an update...
by lotus823 | May 18, 2015 | Public Relations
The ways in which we are exposed to content and how we engage with brands has evolved over the course of history. Gone are the days where PR pros solely relied on the newspaper, TV or radio to generate brand awareness. The emergence of social media has radically...
by lotus823 | Mar 31, 2015 | Blogs, Public Relations, Search Engine Optimization
Each year March marks the beginning of the spring season… on the calendar at least. We still saw snow here in Jersey – which isn’t a first for our crazy northeast weather forecast. At lotus823, though, we did see some firsts. Beth went to her first DSE tradeshow, St....