CES 2017 Predictions

CES 2017 Predictions

Farewell 2016, It’s Been Real… And, Augmented… It’s that time of year again! For PR folks, preparations have been long underway. We’ve definitely got you covered on what to bring and CES PR planning, but fear not – I’m not forgetting the most exciting...
5 Most Memorable Tech Moments of 2016

5 Most Memorable Tech Moments of 2016

Between the presidential election, the Olympics and of course, Adele’s world tour, I think it’s safe to say that 2016 has been an eventful year. In 2016, we’ve also seen some groundbreaking technological developments and trends that are sure to shape our future. As we...

Consumer Tech Trends

Now that the new year is upon us, we must review the top tech consumer trends of 2011: Here are the top trends of 2011: Group buying (groupons) Geolocation Apps (i.e. Foursquare) Tablets (iPads, Kindles, etc.) Cloud-Based Productivity Apps (i.e. Google Docs) Online...
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