by lotus823 | Aug 14, 2013 | Content Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization
I was first introduced to SEO about 5 years ago while working at a large network TV dot com. The SEO team was separated from the content team and the SEO specialists passed around convoluted keyword reports at the end of every department meeting that wasn’t really...
by lotus823 | Aug 6, 2013 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
Modern integrated marketing solutions are heavily reliant on social media. To ignore social media is to reject the future, and if your company doesn’t evolve, it dies. The problem is with so many runners in the race it can be difficult to stand out. Luckily, in...
by lotus823 | Jul 26, 2013 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
Integrated marketing, social media marketing specifically, is an ocean, and no site is an island. At our integrated marketing agency, we understand that when you drop a piece of data into the water, its ripples emanate outwards, far beyond the plane of your site and...
by lotus823 | Jul 25, 2013 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing
My desk often sparks conversation. One may surmise I’m five years old or claim I’m the office kleptomaniac or I’m a hoarder (oh hey, two-year-old notebooks). According to Entrepreneur, the way you organize and decorate reveals a “surprising” amount of information...
by lotus823 | Jul 23, 2013 | Instagram, Integrated Marketing, Marketing, Technology
At lotus823, we are the needle and thread to creating a seamless experience for client and customer. As a fully integrated marketing agency, making sure that there is uniform information across all media is extremely important. Social media platforms are ever...