by lotus823 | Aug 13, 2013 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing, Public Relations, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media, Technology
Information is shared so fast it can often be overwhelming. As a content writer I get into a frenzy at times, generating content as fast as I can because ideas have a shelf-life, and I feel the need to explore them before I lose them. I love the pace and the proximity...
by lotus823 | Aug 6, 2013 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
Modern integrated marketing solutions are heavily reliant on social media. To ignore social media is to reject the future, and if your company doesn’t evolve, it dies. The problem is with so many runners in the race it can be difficult to stand out. Luckily, in...
by lotus823 | Jul 10, 2013 | Social Media
“How can I get more Facebook likes and Twitter followers?” Often I wonder if social media strategists like myself wince a little every time they’re asked that question. It’s a valid question, being the most obvious metric of success on your brand social page....
by lotus823 | Jul 5, 2013 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
You’re surely familiar with old adage of “reach exceeding grasp.” If people read your content and then their people will read it through your people, it spirals outwards again further, into the most distant arms of the social media galaxy. So how can you make sure...
by lotus823 | Jun 14, 2013 | Social Media
In the integrated marketing world, social media plays a pivotal role in delivering a brand’s message as well as generating customer and fan interaction. Let’s look at a few examples of ‘out of the box’ social media marketing utilization. When planning and...