by lotus823 | Feb 20, 2014 | Best Practices, Branding, Content Marketing, Instagram, Marketing
“Life is not measured by how many breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” There’s no denying it. People like visuals. They’re quick, to the point and pleasing to the eye. That being said, lets not waste too much time. Instagram....
by lotus823 | Feb 3, 2014 | Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media, Trade Shows, Video Marketing Strategy
As with any New Year, you can expect to see new ideas, perspectives and technology. Our first roundup of 2014 will feature great digital marketing tips, CES 2014 fun and our point of view on why our job is better than...
by lotus823 | Jan 28, 2014 | Branding, Content Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media
Have you ever wondered why brands use New Year’s as a time to strongly market themselves or their products? It’s because there’s a huge window of opportunity to promote their brand as a means to start fresh. After weeks of holiday stress, eating...
by lotus823 | Jan 27, 2014 | Digital Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, Twitter
“It’s not about spamming everyone you know. It’s about sharing a moment with your friends.” – Kevin Systrom, Founder & Chief Executive of Instagram As we’ve come to learn over the past couple months, the social media networks that we’ve grown to love and...
by lotus823 | Jan 24, 2014 | Digital Marketing, Social Media
One of the most unique aspects of working at a digital marketing agency is being on top of EVERYTHING that is happening on the web and social spaces. There are many social media tools that make this task easier – but these are my favorite. 1. HootSuite HootSuite is a...