by lotus823 | Apr 2, 2014 | Public Relations
Media relations—certainly that’s what public relations is all about…isn’t it? Well, of course that’s a loaded question. Most public relations professionals came out of college thinking that so very much of their day-to-day right off the bat would involve mainly...
by lotus823 | Mar 18, 2014 | Public Relations
As a public relations professional, part of my job is to keep up to date with current events. From pitching a trend piece to pulling off a successful newsjacking, we PR pros must constantly be thinking about how our clients fit into the bigger picture in order to...
by lotus823 | Mar 14, 2014 | Branding, Marketing, Public Relations
I recently returned from a family trip to Walt Disney World – a place that felt brand new to me, as I had little to no memory of my first time visiting this magical land. Though I have little memory of my last visit, returning to the park at age 28 has afforded me a...
by lotus823 | Mar 5, 2014 | Best Practices, Blogs, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media
Just because you didn’t succeed with your New Year’s resolution doesn’t mean you have failed. It’s only February. Take action to continue to better yourself and your company with some of our best practices and tips for your public relations and digital marketing...
by lotus823 | Feb 21, 2014 | Public Relations
Looking to launch a crowdfunding campaign? Look before you leap. These days there seems to be a plethora of crowdfunding sites that will make your dream a reality. And, when you think you have a stellar concept, it’s easy to get excited and get ahead of yourself. Your...