by lotus823 | Jun 30, 2013 | Integrated Marketing
What does your favorite color say about your personal brand? Do people gravitate towards brands they personally identify with? Articles recently published in Fast Company and Entrepreneur examine the science behind why brands choose certain colors. Even if Facebook is...
by lotus823 | Jun 28, 2013 | Integrated Marketing
The key to a successful marketing campaign is communication. Integrated marketing is a conversation between company and customer, where proper branding speaks clearly about a product’s worth. Like so many other aspects of marketing, communications skills between...
by lotus823 | Jun 24, 2013 | Integrated Marketing, Marketing
Marketing professionals know that things rarely ever stay the same. Whether you’re a PR practitioner, community manager, or SEO guru, change is the engine that drives the digital marketing industry. Being a professional in the digital marketing world can be likened to...
by lotus823 | Jun 14, 2013 | Social Media
In the integrated marketing world, social media plays a pivotal role in delivering a brand’s message as well as generating customer and fan interaction. Let’s look at a few examples of ‘out of the box’ social media marketing utilization. When planning and...
by lotus823 | Jun 12, 2013 | Integrated Marketing
Being a communications professional is a lot of fun. No day is the same, and the opportunities to grow and learn both professionally and personally are endless. And one thing’s for sure: you never know what you’ll stumble upon on the Internet. Working at an integrated...