by lotus823 | Oct 9, 2018 | Advertising, Digital Marketing, Facebook
Facebook has been immersing itself in the business of helping companies flourish through the platform’s ad programs. From offering boosted posts to paid ads with measurable results, Facebook has positioned itself as a necessary marketing tool in today’s world. With...
by lotus823 | Jun 15, 2017 | Social Media
In recent years, social media has impacted the way in which users communicate with their friends, family, colleagues, as well as how they communicate with people they have never met offline. Whether comprised of friends or followers, social networking sites (SNS) have...
by lotus823 | Jul 21, 2016 | Integrated Marketing
There’s no denying that the smart home industry is booming! From refrigerators that can communicate ketchup shortages to garbage cans that directly sync to iPhones, countless Americans are now living in connected homes. Ironically enough, while the technology...