#TBT: Apple’s Latest and Greatest Throughout the Years

#TBT: Apple’s Latest and Greatest Throughout the Years

It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The latest iPhone will soon arrive. Or, we’re awaiting getting the last iPhone free with an upgrade. Apple’s surely hooked us. And, we’re always waiting with baited breath. Tech moves a mile a minute. It’s easy to forget how...

iPhone 5 – Evolution or Revolution?

The new iPhone 5 is finally here! With all of the speculation surrounding the new iPhone, it’s no wonder why so many people are eager to learn about the mobile device’s new features. Apple pulled out all the stops with their new phone adding a slew of new...

Rest In Peace To a True Visionary: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, one of the world’s most memorable people in modern technology passed away on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 due to cancer. All of us here at lotus823 are truly saddened by the news, but know that he left a legacy behind that will forever impact our lives, and...
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