by lotus823 | Oct 11, 2019 | Amazon Marketing
In early August, Amazon introduced its newest selling feature, Sold by Amazon (SBA). The feature gives Amazon control over product pricing as a way to keep up with competition. In the short-term, businesses who use this feature could see an increase in overall sales,...
by lotus823 | Aug 21, 2019 | Amazon Marketing
How did we ever live without Amazon? It’s a crazy notion to consider how different our shopping habits were 10 years ago when compared to those of today. Now you can order items to arrive on your doorstep in 2-days delivery time through a simple phrase like, “Alexa,...
by Samantha Lins | Jul 5, 2019 | Amazon Marketing
The numbers don’t lie: Amazon has 310 million active users, with 197 million people shopping the e-commerce behemoth monthly. With 1-2-day delivery times and the convenience of one-click purchasing, consumers are treated to the ultimate in seamless shopping with...
by Samantha Lins | Mar 15, 2019 | Amazon Marketing
If you’ve ever considered selling your products on Amazon or currently sell on Amazon, you have likely heard of Amazon A+ Content or Enhanced Brand Content. While the services may sound familiar, do you know what they are, how they can help your business, how to...
by lotus823 | Dec 14, 2018 | Amazon Marketing, Holiday
With the holiday season in full swing, the chaotic crowds rushing around town to pick up that perfect gift can often throw some shoppers into a panic. However, now more than ever, consumers are choosing to avoid the stores, opting to make purchases without leaving...