by lotus823 | Apr 3, 2014 | Public Relations
I still remember the first time I booked a TV segment. I was a sophomore in college and one of my public relations courses required us to find a nonprofit organization and volunteer our PR services, so I decided to pitch local news stations about an upcoming event we...
by lotus823 | Mar 18, 2014 | Public Relations
As a public relations professional, part of my job is to keep up to date with current events. From pitching a trend piece to pulling off a successful newsjacking, we PR pros must constantly be thinking about how our clients fit into the bigger picture in order to...
by lotus823 | Mar 14, 2014 | Branding, Marketing, Public Relations
I recently returned from a family trip to Walt Disney World – a place that felt brand new to me, as I had little to no memory of my first time visiting this magical land. Though I have little memory of my last visit, returning to the park at age 28 has afforded me a...
by lotus823 | Dec 23, 2013 | Public Relations
Any PR professional will tell you that a MAJOR part of his/her PR toolkit is their media lists. This is essentially the “bread and butter” of any PR team and is not something to be shared with just anyone. If compromised, it would be like losing all of your phone...
by lotus823 | Dec 19, 2012 | Public Relations
Three months ago my life changed drastically. I went from being an unemployed college graduate with too much time on my hands, to a employed public relations and marketing professional. It’s been an exciting few months, and to say there’s a real life difference from...