Chase After The Dream, Don’t Chase After The Money

Chase After The Dream, Don’t Chase After The Money

In this episode… Join David Hernandez, host of There’s Always a Lyric, and 30-year marketer turned Rutgers University professor, author, and keynote speaker, Mark Beal as they dive deep into Mark’s media junky past, current in-class Gen Z think tank’s, and of course...

Slow Down, You Crazy Child

Slow Down, You Crazy Child

In this episode… Join David Hernandez, host of There’s Always a Lyric, and Ilana Zalika, owner of Resound Marketing, as they discuss AI in public relations, finding everyday balance, and of course the lyrics that motivate her.  Episode Transcript lotus823  (0:19)  ...

How to Utilize AI in Public Relations

How to Utilize AI in Public Relations

How can I help you today? There’s no mistaking ChatGPT’s signature greeting as it awaits its task. So, how do we use it smartly and safely? What if I were to tell you that this entire article was written solely using AI? Would you be surprised, upset, intrigued? It’s...

5 Key Ways AI Will Impact Public Relations As We Know It

5 Key Ways AI Will Impact Public Relations As We Know It

AI is evolving quickly. Naturally there is some fear and trepidation in the PR and marketing world of both the unknown and the very real impact it will continue to have as it evolves. However, there are some real opportunities for us, as PR professionals, to harness...

Start Close In

Start Close In

In this episode… Mike McFadden, President of eAccountable, provides the motivation we all need to just get started in this episode of There’s Always a Lyric, hosted by David Hernandez.  “Start with the first thing close in, the step you don't want to take.” Episode...

3 Strategies to Implement When Launching Your Consumer Brand

So, you’ve dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s in getting your consumer brand ready to roll. Now, how do you get the word out there? Here are three marketing strategies to consider in order to start gaining visibility and brand recognition. 1. Social media. It should...

December Highlights: Digital Marketing & Industry News

December Highlights: Digital Marketing & Industry News

As the year ends and the festive ambiance fills the air, December introduces a whirlwind of excitement in the realm of digital marketing. Amid the holiday cheer, this month witnessed spirited shifts in the industry, unveiling new data insights, platform updates, and...



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