Welcome to There’s Always a Lyric!

David Hernandez, managing partner of lotus823, speaks with industry leaders about their paths to success, values, and life stories. The engaging conversations are met with deep thought and unique perspectives. To bring it all into a full circle moment, every guest is asked the same question “what lyric/song tells your life story?” Tune in to meet some amazing people with beautiful stories.

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I Will Survive

I Will Survive

In this episode… Join David Hernandez, host of There’s Always a Lyric, as he reconnects with long-time friend, industry colleague, and founder of GLA Communications, Pam Golden. The duo discuss the evolution of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Pam’s 40 years of...

There Will Be an Answer: Let It Be

There Will Be an Answer: Let It Be

In this episode… Join David Hernandez, host of There’s Always a Lyric, as he sits down with principal of Jacobs Consulting and Executive Coaching, Ken Jacobs. Speaking words of wisdom, Ken shares his unique entrance into the world of PR and how he created a new career...

Go Your Own Way

Go Your Own Way

In this episode… Join David Hernandez, host of There’s Always a Lyric, as he sits down with David Rhodes, President of E.B. Carlson and Founder of TurnSKU, LLC. David shares his career journey, the role of failure and learning from mistakes, and finding a balance...

If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail

If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail

In this episode… Join David Hernandez, host of There’s Always a Lyric, as he sits down with Jenna Gaudio, Co-President at Vydia, a media technology company. Jenna speaks about the importance of having a growth mindset, where her curiosity comes from, and why failure...

And the Cat’s in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon

And the Cat’s in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon

In this episode… Join David Hernandez, host of There’s Always a Lyric, in his interview with Alan Kraft, Chief Revenue Officer at The Media Horizons Companies. Alan shares the story about his company’s acquisition, the importance of working with good people,...

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