Welcome to the integrated marketing monthly roundup! In October, lotus823 brought you lots of treats. By treats, we mean tips, tools and even music to help you power through your workday.

#TBT Special: When Social Media Was Just ICQ and AIM

By: Erin Cunningham

When someone says social media, we think Facebook, Twitter, etc. If we look back to 1996, “social media” was something more like instant messaging.  Check out this timeline, which turns back the clock to ICQ that took the world by storm: https://www.lotus823.com/social-media-throwback/

lotus823 Wants to be Your Integrated Marketing AOR: Agency of Rock

By: Katie Foley

Music is major motivation for the lotus823 team. The station is switched up daily depending on the mood and which one of our integrated marketing professionals are in control. As the first in a series, Katie brings to you a telephone-themed playlist because making and receiving calls are a big part of the day: https://www.lotus823.com/lotus823-is-your-integrated-marketing-aor-agency-of-rock/

Combatting PR Stress the lotus Way

By: Beth Gard

No matter what your profession, stress happens. People tend to deal with stress differently but there are ways to get through it without driving yourself completely insane. At lotus823, we all help each other get through these stressful times. Beth helps show you how: https://www.lotus823.com/3-steps-to-alleviating-stress-for-your-pr-team/

From List Building to CES Marketing: Biggest Misconceptions About PR

By: Nicole Cobuzio

What comes to mind when you think of a public relations specialist? We’re sure each person would say something different because the profession covers a wide range of responsibilities. To stop some confusion, Nicole brings to you some myth busting facts about the PR profession: https://www.lotus823.com/biggest-misconceptions-about-pr-professionals-and-ces-marketing/


Top 5 Data Tools for Your Integrated Marketing Team

By: Christine Rochelle

Working in SEO, numbers are very important. These numbers tell a story and there are some great tools out there that can help you find what these numbers mean and why. Christine breaks down some of our favorite tools that we regularly use: https://www.lotus823.com/top-7-data-tools-integrated-marketing-team/

#MarketingEverywhere: The Art of Marketing With Perrier and Andy Warhol

By: Jessica Guida

We all have something in life that inspires us. For Jessica, it’s marketing and art.   Knowing this, what better than the new Perrier bottles inspired by Andy Warhol art? In turn, this inspired her latest blog on the art of marketing. Take a look at the tasteful integrated marketing campaign: https://www.lotus823.com/the-art-of-marketing-art-in-marketing-perrier-via-andy-warhol/

Thank you again for coming by! We hope you enjoyed our October treats and we look forward to having you back for more insights from our integrated marketing agency. Let us know what you think below or connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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