Getting a single view on your blog post is one thing, but gaining a dedicated following is a whole different story. If you want your website or blog to be successful, you need readers to come back again and again. Here are a few easy tips to help bring more followers to your blog:
1. Quality. In order for your blog to be successful, you need to write about a subject people will be interested in. The first step to gaining a base of followers is to make sure people will want to read your blog. Choose a theme and don’t deviate from it too much. From there, make sure to do your research, proofread and stay relevant.
2. Variety. It’s great to have a blog about a specific subject, but make sure you add variety within your posts. Try to include every possible point of view. Are there conflicting arguments? Are there competing products? Try to talk about every aspect of your subject and readers will be inclined to come back and read more posts. Remember, you’re a citizen journalist now!
3. Visual Media. People enjoy reading blogs, but your blog can’t just be a bunch of paragraphs and short essays. Add videos and pictures relating to your post frequently. Readers will enjoy a change of pace and it will help keep their attention.
4. Promote. It seems obvious but it’s an important tip. If you want your blog to become popular, you need to promote it. Use Facebook and Twitter to get the word out about your blog. You can even let people know about your blog in certain forums, just don’t spam websites (it will more than likely turn people away from your blog).
5. Respond. You need to have a personality if you want to gain dedicated followers. Answer questions and listen to constructive criticism. Respond to your reader and let readers know you care about their input and they likely return.
6. Quantity. Obviously quality comes before quantity, but if you want your blog to be successful you need to post often. To have a base of dedicated followers you need to have a lot of content for them to read. Make sure you add quality and variety and you should gain loyal readers.
A dedicated base of followers is key in any successful blog. These are a few important tips to help you get readers to return to your blog. If you have any other tips, please leave a comment below!