Are your brand’s marketing efforts maximizing exposure, traffic, and sales? Affiliate marketing is an effective way for your brand to reach new consumers, drive online sales, and increase overall visibility. When used in conjunction with a public relations strategy, affiliate marketing can help convert media placements into online sales. We have provided insight into affiliate marketing and how it can improve your brand’s public relations strategy below. 


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing can be defined as “the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person or company’s products.” Typically, a brand will share a unique affiliate link that media or influencers can share with their followings and both the brand and media contact earn a commission when a sale is made from the affiliate program. This type of marketing allows your brand to target and reach new audiences other than your own. 


Tips for Incorporating Affiliate Marketing into Your PR Strategy


  1. Pick the Best Program for Your Brand

One of the most preferred programs by media editors and consumers is Amazon Associates. This program makes it very simple for brands to share product pages and links with media outlets, and track commission rates and percentages. For brands who are not on Amazon, there are plenty of other networks and platforms to pick from for affiliate marketing programs. 


2. Understand Your Target Audience

To make the most out of your affiliate program, take the time to understand your target audience and the best way to reach them. Whether that is through well-known media outlets, like Good Housekeeping or Forbes, or credible Instagram and YouTube influencers, find the best approach for your brand’s specific goals. These media contacts and influencers have already gained the trust of their audience and their recommendations can help build your brand’s overall credibility.


3. Track Conversions

After identifying the best platforms for your brand and establishing a strategy, now is the time to create unique tracking links to monitor your affiliate marketing efforts. These tracking links, also known as UTM links, provide insight into which campaign and platform is performing the best for your brand. By tracking and monitoring each of your campaign links, you will be able to optimize the best program, platform, or placement for your brand, leading to an increase in online sales. 


Is your brand considering incorporating affiliate marketing into its public relations strategy? Get in touch today!

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