There is no doubt that email marketing is a great technique when it comes to engaging with current or future clientele. While writing an email may seem simple enough, creating and crafting an effective email copy is what garners interest, business, and forms long lasting relationships. It may seem like an overwhelming task, but the results are worth it. Below are some best practices to follow when creating an effective email copy, from subject line to your signature.


Starting With the Subject Line 

The email’s subject line is the headline equivalent for your email copy. It must be relevant and engaging, compelling the reader enough to open the email. Including an incentive or creating a sense of urgency into the subject line can drastically increase open rates. While incentivising the subject line can prove to be helpful, be careful not to overwhelm your readers with too much product related content. A compelling and concise subject line should contain between 30 and 50 characters, including spaces to ensure the message isn’t cut off by email providers, leaving the readers hanging. 

Essential factors to keep in mind as you begin to create an effective subject line are:

    • Length: Subject lines containing between six and ten words have the highest open rates since most readers will open their email through their mobile device. 
    • Word choice: Using action verbs in your subject line will help subscribers understand what you want them to do before they even open the email. Phrases such as “act now,” or “don’t miss out” will create that sense of urgency when reading an effective subject line.
    • Keep it personal: Using the names of real people in your “to” and “from” fields will earn higher open rates. Most readers will find it refreshing to see an email from someone with a real person’s name rather than a company. 
    • Align the subject line copy and email copy: What your email subject line promises, the email message should deliver.
    • Split-test the subject lines: A/B tests can be used to improve opening rates when it comes to email marketing. This test splits the recipients into two groups: Group A receives the regular newsletter, while Group B receives the newsletter with a specific variation. This variation tests to see if your audience would be more or less likely to take an action based on that element.


Optimize the Email’s Preview Text

The preview text should amplify the subject line by adding additional information & details to capture your audience’s attention. While a preview text usually pulls text from the beginning of the email body, it is up to the creator to make sure the preview is just as relevant and enticing as the subject line. With only a few characters to pique the reader’s interest, it is crucial to create a compelling preview text. Similarly to the subject line, most readers will view the preview text on their mobile devices and decide whether or not the email is worth opening. 


The Body Is the Bulk

Rather than writing for the masses, it may be easier to act as if you’re writing an email speaking directly to one person. It’s helpful to act as if talking directly to one friend or one customer. Let them know about the exciting stuff you want to tell them and explain what you want them to do, but remember to keep it conversational. Creating an impactful email that will resonate with your readers means you will need to approach them on a personal level. 

Essential factors to keep in mind as you begin to create an effective body copy:

  • Make sure your content is relevant: Creating general emails for your entire list won’t resonate with anyone. General email blasts are a thing of the past! Be sure to send the appropriate content to readers with similar interests. Spending time getting to know your audience will result in easier email copywriting. 
  • Keep the main message and call-to-action above the fold: The first thing your recipients will see once they open your email should be the main message and the call to action. Placement of these key points are essential to keeping the audience engaged throughout the rest of the email. 
  • Use ‘you’ instead of ‘I’: Write your email copy in the second person, i.e. use ‘you’ and ‘your’ in the sentences. It may seem to be trivial, but it makes a difference to the reader. 
  • Avoid sounding spammy: Avoid email copy that sounds too salesy. It will prevent your email from hitting the inbox of recipients.
  • Avoid industry jargon: Simply put, skip the industry jargon and use terms that real people will understand. Focus on the pain points and how your brand can help customers.
  • Carefully choose your words: Keep the conversational tone while using the words “you” and “your ” as you go about your email copywriting ensuring your readings that the email is about them. Be sure to focus on the benefits of what you’re offering rather than the features. Keeping the focus on the benefits will speak to the readers about how your product or service can benefit their lives. 
  • Short and concise: It’s normal for people to only skim through individual emails. Be sure to get right to the point. Let your readers know how you’re ready to help and what you want them to do. Using bulleted lists, short sentences, and questions will assist in getting your point across.



Finalizing Effectively

Now that the subject line and body are complete it’s time to conclude the conversation. Remember to always include an email signature containing contact information and a brand logo. This will help the readers remember and recognize who and where they got their message from. Lastly, before hitting that send button, be sure to proofread extensively. Spelling and grammar mistakes can cost you customers in the end. It even saves time downloading outreach tools to your computer to assist with your copy throughout the creating process.   


When crafting an effective email, it’s important to remember who you are speaking to, why they are reading your message, and how you can meet their needs, from top to bottom of the email! 

Contact us today to talk about creating the best email layout for your brand and start your campaign!

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