The holidays are the biggest sales season of the year, and for many shoppers the hunt for the best gifts and deals starts early. During the 2021 season, 43% of people shared that they would start their holiday shopping before the end of October. This means your brand and products needs to be receiving coverage before then and gift guides will start releasing as early as September. With limited spots to go around, the summer months have become prime pitching season for holiday gift guides. Here are a few tips for holiday gift guide pitching from PR professionals.


Research the Media

Doing proper research will set you and your brand up for success. Put yourself in the shoes of a customer and think about which publications can best reach your audience. But don’t forget to also grab the attention of the customers that would buy your product to give to your target audience. You should compile a lengthy list of media personnel and their contact information. However, don’t feel like you must send a pitch to every publication that exists. Relevancy is key! Keep in mind, it is always important to have a good variety of publications to reach out to.


Prepare Your Materials

When preparing for holiday gift guides, focus on a few products that are giftable, rather than trying to pitch your entire product line. Think about what audience would like to receive your product as a gift and then think about who would be giving it to them. It is equally important to make your products look holiday ready. Sometimes all a customer needs is a good picture to get them sold on a product, so give your products a well-deserved new photo shoot. Keep the background clean, or if you are using models, maintain the product as the focus. You can use editing tools such as Canva, Photoshop, GIMP, or Pixlr, to professionalize your giftable photos. It could be a good idea to offer samples as well for a personalized gift guide. Having that review from a journalist could make a major difference in the customer’s mind. Make sure to have your products set aside and available for editorial testing as requested.


Craft Your Pitch

Your pitch always starts with your subject line. Keep it simple and to the point. Including the phrase, “Holiday Gift Guide” with your brand name is a great starting point. This way, when journalists start to receive more pitches, they can keep their emails organized. So, when the time comes to create these guides, your pitch will be in the right place.

In the body of the pitch, list your products and use bullet points to provide their descriptions, prices, uses, benefits, and uniqueness. Utilize SEO keywords as well to help boost your product and the gift guides in online search results. Additionally, provide links to different retailers your product is available for purchase making your gift quick and easy to sell. It is also helpful to imagine you are the journalist writing the guide. Think about what possible titles your product could fall under, like “Gifts for a Busy Mom” or “The gift that he will love for under $50.” Writing like a journalist could spark creativity and make your product a no-brainer in their guide.


Personalize Pitches

Each pitch should be tailored to the publication you are pitching in terms of language, photos, and benefits of your product. Remember who the readers are and the specific audience you are trying to reach. Speak in terms to capture their attention. It is critical that you keep every pitch personalized. Besides, who doesn’t want to feel special?


Follow Up!

If you haven’t heard back from some of the publications you reached out to after a week or so, you should absolutely send a follow-up message. Consider changing your subject line, the day of the week you sent the pitch, or finding a new contact at the publication who may be more responsive. Thank them for their time and be prepared to provide any information or extra materials they may need.

Contact us today to to ensure your products are front and center on wish lists, holiday gift guides, and more.

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