Product Launch
Industry: Audio & Music
Timeline: 2 months
Launching with only two days remaining in October, the ATH-M50xBT headphones became the second-most purchased item of the month. The product remained in that slot for the next two months (with even higher unique purchases) – second only to the legendary wired version of the headphones.
lotus823 coordinated several Twitch streamers to host giveaways of the ATH-M50xBT within their Twitter communities. As a result of the new ATH-M50xBT giveaways, the Audio-Technica Twitter account gained more than 10,000 followers that month, and engagement saw an increase of 486.1% month-over-month. Overall, social media traffic increased by 215.37% year-over-year, due in large part to the promotion of the new ATH-M50xBT headphones.
For the entirety of the campaign (October 30 through December 31, 2018), the total results for all ATH-M50xBT social advertisements and promoted posts included more than 4 million impressions and more than 25,000 website clicks.
Engagement Rate
Total Impressions
Website Visits
The Challenge
To develop and execute a successful campaign, lotus823 first connected with Audio-Technica to understand the company’s goals for the announcement and to discuss strategies for reaching and/or surpassing those goals.
One of the challenges lotus823 anticipated encountering revolved around the explanation of differences between these new Bluetooth headphones and the non-official ATH-M50x wireless adapters already on the market. To accomplish this, lotus823 used messaging that described the ATH-M50xBT headphones as having the ability to “replicate the ATH-M50x sonic signature as closely as possible,” as well as the headphones’ tagline of “Studio Sound Unbound.”
The Strategy
lotus823 then came up with a plan to employ both organic and paid social media content to reach as many people as possible during both the initial launch and follow-up. The agency recommended Boosting specific organic posts for an additional fee, as a Page’s organic posts are otherwise limited by Facebook’s algorithms that prioritize user content over brand content.
In developing the strategy, a large focus for the campaign would be the advertisements. lotus823 crafted a comprehensive advertising campaign for Twitter and Facebook (and therefore Instagram) based on Audio-Technica’s allotted budget. The planned ads would inform audiences about the new product, generate video views of product teasers, drive traffic to the website, and raise overall awareness of the brand itself.

The agency conducted extensive research in advance to determine which demographics to target with these ads. To reach both new and existing customers, our ad targeting included the following audiences:
- Audio-Technica website visitors
- ATH-M50x headphone product page visitors
- Individuals who were interested in Audio-Technica’s top competitors
- Consumers who were similar to website visitors
lotus823 also planned to develop blog content for Audio-Technica’s website, publish a brand video on Audio-Technica’s YouTube page, and create and schedule social media content, with all elements scheduled to go live at the same time worldwide.